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Personal Timeclock helps you keep track of time you've spent on your computer, or the time you've worked for clients. Time is charged to one or more "projects" by "punching in" when you begin work on each project. Projects may be grouped into different "categories." The Reporter can then produce billing information, or compute the percentage of time your computer was used for business purposes, which is needed to deduct computer costs as a business expense on your taxes.

See more details on Personal Timeclock, including sample reports and screen shots.

SudoKoach is a Windows program that makes solving Sudoku puzzles more fun:

  • SudoKoach figures out what numbers are possible in each cell, so you don't have to.
  • SudoKoach can give you hints to help you solve a puzzle.
  • SudoKoach can teach you solving strategies that will make you a better Sudoku player.

SudoKoach doesn't solve the puzzle for you--it makes solving it yourself less tedious!

See more details on SudoKoach.

Crypto! is a Windows version of the popular Cryptogram puzzles often found in puzzle books or the Sunday paper. Crypto! selects a quote or phrase from its library, encrypts it, and presents it for you to solve. Solving cryptograms is more fun because Crypto! makes it easy to try various letters and undo mistakes. Letter frequencies are provided, and there are various hints and helps to get you started quickly.

The trial version has 50 puzzles for you to enjoy. When you register, you'll get over 20,000 puzzles.

See more details on Crypto!, including a screen shot showing a partially solved puzzle, and a demonstration of how the game works.

Free Utilities

Utility programs you can download and use for free, including the Gas Price Calculator.

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