Shareware -- Try it before you buy it!
Download Personal Timeclock version 4.9 for Windows
7/8/10 (and earlier versions). Choose either the self-extracting
file (which is easier to install--just execute it), or the zip
file (which is a little smaller, but you need PKZip
or another unzipping program to unpack it).
NOTE: If you have a licensed previous version
of Personal Timeclock, DO NOT install this shareware
version over the top of it in hopes of upgrading it. The licensed and
shareware versions are different, and you'll only end up with the shareware
version. See the next section for the upgrade you want.
Updates for Registered Users
Registered users of Personal Timeclock 4.0 and later can download
a free update to Personal Timeclock 4.9 (3,460 K bytes). Installation
instructions are included with the update. Click
here for a list of the new features.
Registered users of Personal Timeclock (formerly PC-TImeClock)
3.x may still download the
free PC-TimeClock 3.3 update (992 K bytes). Click
here for a list of the new features in this version. But read
about the features in the latest version: you can upgrade at 50% off
of the regular price.
Registered users of PC-TimeClock 2.x may still download
the free PC-TimeClock 2.2 update. The included help file lists the
new features in this version.
Note: the shareware version of Personal Timeclock is not capable
of installing these updates.
Printable Manual and HTML Help
Starting with version 4.3, Personal Timeclock now has a PDF
version of the Help file for those who prefer a printed manual to online
help. If you don't have it in the folder in which you installed Personal
Timeclock, you can download it for free:
- Download the PDF file v4.8
(4,882 K bytes. NOTE: If your browser displays PDF files, right click
the link and select "Save".) For the best printed results,
we recommend printing in color on both sides of the paper.
Personal Timeclock and PC-TimeClock
If you purchased PC-TimeClock version 3.anything, you should already
have received your free upgrade to Personal Timeclock version 4.
If you are using PC-TimeClock version 2.anything or earlier and
want to try out Personal Timeclock version 4, install Personal
Timeclock in a separate folder to test it. You may then copy
the timeclk.log and project.txt files from the old folder into this new
one. The log file format of 4.4 is different than these earlier versions,
so any data written to the log file by Personal Timeclock will
be unreadable by your previous version, hence the need to make copies..
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