What's New in Crypto!™
Version 4.4 of Crypto! includes:
- Support for generating cryptograms with K1- and K2-style keys (ala
the American Cryptogram Association's nomenclature -- see www.cryptogram.org).
- There are now over 20,000 puzzles!
Version 4.3 of Crypto! includes:
- A fix for the online update that broke when I moved my website to
a new provider. If you have version 4.0, 4.1, or 4.2, read
this to see how you can get a copy of the updated program.
- There are now over 17,000 puzzles!
Version 4.2 of Crypto! includes:
- There are now over 16,000 puzzles!
- You can now pause the game, which stops the timer until the game is
resumed. Also, the timer no longer counts when the window is minimized.
- You can now use extended ASCII quotation marks and apostrophies when
entering puzzles yourself.
- When you print a puzzle, the puzzle number and the name of the collection
are printed as well.
- The hint dialogs and input dialogs now appear wherever you last moved
- You can highlight the area of the screen in which the solution appears.
- The color changing dialog has been complete redesigned to be easier
to use--it allows you to preview your changes before accepting them.
Version 4.1 of Crypto! includes:
- You can now get a list of possible solutions to any word in the puzzle.
- You can now download new and updated puzzle files when they become
- Crypto! now behaves better on computers with more than one monitor.
- There is a new puzzle file: StrangeLaws.
- There are now over 14,000 puzzles!
Version 4.0 of Crypto! includes:
- If you make the font larger in the main window, then a larger font
will be used in the window for entering your own puzzles.
- Downloading and installing updates to Crypto! is now done from within
the program itself.
- (As of 4.0a) You can now specify the size of the margin around printed
- (As of 4.0b) Fixed a bug that suddenly cropped up which prevented
your color and font changes from being saved.
If you are upgrading from version 3.8 or earlier to version
3.10 or version 4, read these notes about
how to upgrade to the current version.
Version 3.10 of Crypto! includes:
- You can choose to display the letter frequencies alphabetically or
by frequency.
- If you make a mistake when entering a puzzle, you can now fix it.
- The default font was changed to improve the appearance of printed
Version 3.9 of Crypto! includes:
- Your data files are now stored in the My Documents
folder (on Vista, it is just called Documents).
- Other changes needed for Windows Vista.
Version 3.8 of Crypto! includes:
- The Help file is now the newer HTML-style, and includes a tutorial
introduction and many more illustrations.
- When you start Crypto! and there is a saved game, you now have the
option of discarding the saved game.
- Double-clicking a puzzle file in the Windows Explorer now starts Crypto!
on that file.
- New puzzle file: things seen on bumper stickers.
- New puzzle file: jokes that have circulated via e-mail.
- New puzzle file: some of the aphorisms of George W. Bush.
- There are now 10,934 puzzles (42,036 if you count the Bible puzzles).
Version 3.7 of Crypto! includes:
- A new set of puzzles: things that bosses said on employee evaluations
(e.g. "If brains were taxed, he would get a rebate.")
Version 3.6 of Crypto! includes:
- You can copy the solution to a puzzle to the clipboard (as much as
you have figured out so far, anyway), and from there into other programs.
- A new set of puzzles: Jokes attributed to the comedian Steven Wright
(e.g. "There was a power outage at a department store yesterday.
Twenty people were trapped on the escalators.")
Version 3.5 of Crypto! includes a new set of puzzles:
- Science Test Answers given by school children
Version 3.4 of Crypto! includes these new capabilities:
- There are now buttons to make it easier to get hints.
- You can copy the current puzzle to the clipboard, and from there into
other programs (for example, to e-mail it to a friend).
- You can paste text from the clipboard into Crypto! (for example, to
solve puzzles that friends have e-mailed to you).
Version 3.3 of Crypto! includes these useful features:
- You can now save an unfinished puzzle and continue working on it later.
- You can now select a specific puzzle to solve by its number.
- You can save the puzzles you like best, or puzzles you have entered,
to a "favorites" file.
Version 3.2 of Crypto! also includes some handy new
- If the puzzle is too large to fit in the window, a scroll bar will
appear so you can view the entire puzzle.
- Puzzles can now be displayed in "military" style: all capitals,
letters grouped in blocks of five. This makes solving the puzzle much
more challenging.
- It is no longer possible to undo a letter that was given to you in
a hint, or has been verified correct with Confirm.
Here are the features that were added to
version 3.1:
- The name of the quote file is now shown in the title bar.
- The puzzle number is also shown in the title bar (when you're using
a compressed quote file).
- When Crypto! starts, it begins with the same quote file you
were last using.
- The new Game|Puzzle Source dialog tells you how many puzzles
you've solved (when you're using a compressed quote file).
Registered users of Crypto! 3.0 through 3.9 may download
a free update to the version 3.10.
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