We Respect Your Privacy
We get a lot of junk mail. You probably do, too.
Let's face it--you are doing us a favor by ordering our
products. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, and increasing
the amount of your junk mail probably isn't going to make you very happy.
Therefore, we promise:
- We will NEVER give, rent, sell, or distribute your name, address,
or e-mail address to anyone.
- We will NOT send you junk e-mail (get rich quick schemes, chain
letters, cheap drug offers, etc.)
- The only mail or e-mail we will EVER send you will be about
your order or to inform you of updates for the product you have purchased.
Are you worried about web sites leaving "cookies" on your computer?
You should be: read
more about cookies here.
We use cookies for exactly two purposes:
In the software section of this web site, we use cookies to analyze which
of the advertisements we pay for are working the best. Here's how:
- If you click on one of our ads (from Google, Yahoo, etc.), we will
store a cookie on your computer that identifies the ad you clicked on.
- If you later place an order for that product on our site, the ad identification
is sent along with the order.
- The cookie will expire after the trial version of the product you
were interested in ends.
- No personal information is stored in the cookie.
In the photography section of this
web site, we use cookies to implement your "shopping cart."
Here's how:
- If you add a photograph to your shopping cart, we will store a cookie
containing your order number on your computer.
- This cookie allows us to keep your shopping cart contents on our server
rather than on your computer.
- You can return to our site within one week and view your shopping
- The cookie will expire in one week--after that time, your shopping
cart is discarded.
- No personal information is stored in the cookie.
It is good business for us to make sure you're happy. After all, you're
going to tell people about what you've bought from us, and we'd rather
have you giving recommendations than telling horror stories!
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you were looking for? Give us your feedback.
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© 1999-2022 KMR Consulting