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SudoKoach for Publishers

Sudoku is Popular

Get in on the Sudoku craze and increase your readership.

  • People love to solve Sudoku puzzles
  • Publications that contain Sudoku puzzles will appeal to more readers
  • Advertisers prefer publications with more readers

No Royalties

There are many advantages to using SudoKoach to generate puzzles for your publication.

  • Pay one trivial fee when you purchase a license to use the program; pay nothing thereafter.
  • There are no royalty charges to use puzzles generated by SudoKoach.
  • Generate as many puzzles as you want with no additional charges.
  • Produce additional puzzles for your web site with no additional charges.
  • Each puzzle is guaranteed to have exactly one solution.

Terms of the Agreement

Many other companies require payment for each puzzle that you generate for publication with their program, or scale their initial fee to the number of puzzles you need to create each week or month. We don't.

In exchange for the right to publish Sudoku puzzles produced by SudoKoach, we only require that you include the URL to our web site along with each puzzle you publish. Many of your readers will want additional information on Sudoku puzzles and will be interested in software to help them solve these puzzles anyway, so publishing our URL helps both of us.

Contact Us

If you think these terms are reasonable (how could you not?), please contact us through our support page to obtain permission to publish Sudoku puzzles generated by SudoKoach.

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