SudoKoach Solving Strategies
Currently, SudoKoach supports 43 different solving strategies.
They are broken down into categories by their difficulty.
- Naked Singles
- Hidden Singles
- Box/line Elimination
- Line/box Elimination
- Naked Pairs
- Naked Triples
- Hidden Pairs
- Hidden Triples
- X-Wing
- XY-Wing
- Finned X-Wing
- Sashimi Finned X-Wing
- W-Wing (type 1-4)
- BUG (Bi-value Universal Grave)
- Rectangle Elimination
- Locked Cell Cycle (type 1)
- Locked Cell Cycle (type 2)
- XYZ-Wing
- Swordfish
- Naked Quad
- Hidden Quad
- Jellyfish
- Unique Rectangle (type 1-6)
- Avoidable Rectangle (type 1-3)
- XY-Wing Chain
- Singles Chain
- Singles Chain Contradiction
- Pairs Chain
- Pairs Chain Contradiction
- Weak Singles Chain
- Weak Singles Chain Contradiction
- Composite Chain
- Composite Chain Contradiction
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